The application of the network approach to quality of life and blood markers in Brazil



Palabras clave:

Quality of life, hormones, CRP, physiological process.


Although it is generally considered that quality of life (QoL) is related to blood markers, there are different approaches to the relation between these variables. We proposed here a dynamic interaction test. The aim was to ascertain which blood indicators relate to QoL through a network perspective in a common population. Answered a questionnaire and conducted blood exams 108 Brazilians. Of these, 84 were female, with a mean age of 43.85 years old (SD = 16.20). Data analysis indicated that CRP, T4 (FT4), Thyroid-stimulating hormone, and Cortisol bridges with QoL dimensions. The data suggest that QoL is related to certain blood markers, but some trends were less than the literature has indicated. These relations are complex, and our findings suggest that the dynamic network structure expands the range of QoL and blood markers researches making it possible to investigate a new range of questions and analyses.

Biografía del autor/a

Carolina Gontijo Ribeiro, Centro Universitário de Brasília

Graduada em Psicologia pelo Centro Universitário de Brasília (Uniceub), Analista de RH na clínica Renalcare e Psicóloga clínica no Espaço Terapêutico Carla Abreu.

Amalia Raquel Pérez-Nebra, Universidade de Brasília

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração




Cómo citar

Ribeiro, C. G., & Pérez-Nebra, A. R. (2024). The application of the network approach to quality of life and blood markers in Brazil. Estudos De Psicologia (Natal), 25(3), 244–252.



Psicobiología y Psicología Cognitiva