
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • O envio dos manuscritos deverá ser acompanhado de carta à Comissão Executiva solicitando a publicação. Na carta, o(s) autor(es) deve(m) informar eventuais conflitos de interesse - profissionais, financeiros e benefícios diretos ou indiretos - que possam vir a influenciar os resultados da pesquisa. Devem, ainda, revelar as fontes de financiamento envolvidas no trabalho, bem como garantir a privacidade e o anonimato das pessoas envolvidas. O material deve ser acompanhado também de uma declaração do(s) autore(s) atestando o ineditismo do trabalho, conforme o seguinte modelo:


    Eu, __________, declaro que o artigo intitulado __________, apresentado para publicação na revista Estilos da Clínica, não foi publicado ou apresentado para avaliação e publicação em nenhuma outra revista ou livro, sendo, portanto, original.


  • Toda a correspondência referente aos trâmites editoriais deverá ser feita pelo sistema online para ficar documentada
  • Os textos não devem exceder 18 laudas digitadas em espaço 1,5, corpo 12 pontos, limitando-se a um máximo de 35 000 caracteres incluídos os caracteres em branco e referências bibliográficas).

  • Os artigos devem incluir um resumo informativo (com no máximo 100 palavras) em português, o resumen em espanhol e o abstract em inglês (versões do resumo).

    Os descritores devem constar dos resumos (máximo de 5 descritores) e os títulos nos 3 idiomas também devem ser enviados.

Author Guidelines

Estilos da Clínica magazine is a biannual publication whose purpose is to support an interdisciplinary editoral space around the axis of psychoanalysis, focused more specifically in the problematics of childhood. Original texts spontaneously sent by authors are accepted for publication.
The publication of articles depends on the opinion of the magazine’s Consultants or of other ad hoc collaborators.
The articles sent will be initially analyzed by the Executive Editor, and if they are in accordance with the Rules for Publication, they will be forwarded by the Editors to at least two Consultants or ad hoc collaborators for their evaluation.
The “ad hoc” consultants will be chosen by the Executive Editor among acknowledged researchers in the area of the publication and will not be informed of the identity of the authors or of their institutional memberships. The authors will not be aware of the consultants’ identities either.
After analyzing the articles, the consultants issue their opinions in writing: approved, approved with recommendations and/or suggestions or rejected for publication. Estilos da Clínica magazine counts on qualified consultants who issue constructive opinions on the works of the authors. The copies of the consultants’ opinions will be provided in whole to the authors of the works.
After analyzing the opinions issued, the Editors will be responsible for accepting or rejecting the text, sending it for publication and also eventually suggesting the author to make changes to their text. On the other hand, the Editors are entitled to make small and simple changes to the texts in order to speed up the publication process. The Executive Editor will inform the authors, as soon as possible, about the final opinion and possible date of publication.
The originals of the works sent will not be returned. For this reason, it is recommended that the authors keep a copy of their texts.
The copyright of the articles published is not being assigned to Estilos da Clínica, and for this reason it belongs to its authors; in case these articles are eventually published in other vehicles, it is recommended to mention the first publication on Estilos da Clínica.
The authors will receive a copy of the magazine in which their article was published.


1 – The originals must be sent to the Executive Editor in a single printed copy, together with a CD-rom (preferably) or disk, typed in Word for Windows format.

2 – The texts shall not exceed 18 typed pages with 1.5 spacing, 12-point body, and limited to a maximum of 35000 characters (including bibliographic references and blank spacing).

3 – The presentation of the manuscripts must follow the standard and order described below:
3.1 – Cover page containing:
a) title in Portuguese, English and Spanish;
b) full name of each author, followed by information relative to the institutional membership and the area of specialization of each author;
c) complete mailing address of the author(s) (including zip code, telephone number and e-mail address).
3.2 – Summaries
The articles must include an abstract in English (with a maximum of 100 words), the “resumo informativo” in Portuguese and the “resumen” in Spanish (versions of the abstract).
3.3 – Index terms
The index terms in English (up to a maximum of five), the “descritores” and the “palabras clave” (version to Portuguese and Spanish of the index terms) must be included in the abstracts of the articles.

4 – Text
The layout of the text must comply with the following guidelines:
a) The entire text must be typed in a single font type, in other words, different font types shall not be used for titles, sections, etc.
c) Use capital letters (all letters capitalized) for titles.
d) For emphasis or highlighting purposes, use italic (not bold or underline).
e) Show a new paragraph with a single tab spacing.
f) Bold or italic for quotes, only double quotation marks.
g) Use the minimum number of notes. If indispensable, they must be numbered (Arabic algarisms) and organized on a separate page, at the end of the text, not at bottom of the page.

5 – The reviews shall not exceed 6 pages, and the footnotes, 1 page. The presentation must follow the same rules used for the standardization of the articles. Maximum of 12000 characters.

6 – The quotes in the text and the bibliographic reference must be standardized according to the rules edited by the American Psychological Association – APA. Obs.: The APA Rules are available at the IPUSP website, in the library link. To access, please click on Standardization Manuals

a-) Must be presented by the author’s last name, followed by the year of publication. Ex.: Levin (1991) or (Levin, 1991).
Lacan (2003) or (Lacan, 2003)
b-) In quotes by two authors, the last names, when mentioned in parenthesis, must be united by an &; (“e” in case the text is in Portuguese;) “and”, in English; “y”, in Spanish; and so forth).
Ex.: Laplanche and Pontalis (1988) or (Laplanche & Pontalis, 1988).
c-) In the case of quotes by three or five authors, the first time they appear in the text, all the authors are mentioned. In the case of quotes by three to five authors, the first time they appear in the text all the authors are mentioned; in the following quotes, the last name of the first author is mentioned, followed by the Latin expression ‘et al.’. Examples:
The first time when the authors appear mentioned in the text:
Labov, Cohen, Robins and Lewis (1968) or (Labov, Cohen, Robins & Lewis, 1968). On the following quotes:
Labov et al. (1968) or (Labov et al., 1968).
Obs.: On the final list of bibliographic references, mention all the authors in the order they appear in the publication.
d-) In the case of quotes by six or more authors, the last name of the first author is mentioned, followed by the Latin expression ‘et al.’
Example: Hays et al. (2002) or (Hays et al., 2002)
e-) Textual quotations (literal transcription of a text) must be delimited by quotation marks, followed by the author’s last name, the date and the page mentioned Obs.: For testimonials or interviews, quotes must be presented in italic and the presentation must follow the guidelines for textual quotations.
Asked about the quality of their undergraduate courses, around 70% of the students interviewed said it was unsatisfactory. Interviewee 2, for instance, says that “the undergraduate studies were insufficient, with no conditions to form for practical life. It is necessary to have a generalist formation and a critical thinking”.
f-) In the indirect, or secondary quote, that is, the quote whose idea is extracted from a different source, use the expression “as cited in” (in case the text is in English),
“citado por” if in Portuguese, and so forth).
Ex.: For Silva (1981) as cited in Gomes (1998).
Obs.: In bibliographic references, mention only the work consulted (in this case, Gomes, 1998).
g-) In quotes by various authors and a single idea, the alphabetical order of surnames must be obeyed.
Ex.: (Aubry, 1986; Coriat, 1997; Stefan, 1991).
h-) In the case of documents with different publication dates and a same author, the author’s last name is mentioned and the years of publication are listed in chronological order.
Ex.: Mannoni (1981, 1990, 1995).
i-) In quotes of documents with the same publication date and the same author, lower-case letters must be added after the year of publication.
Ex.: Winnicott (1975a, 1975b) or (Winnicott, 1975a, 1975b).
j-) For quotes of information obtained through informal channels (classes, conferences, personal communication, personal mail, etc.), please add the information in parenthesis after the quote.
Ex.: (Oral information, July 27, 2002).
k-) For quotes obtained from Homepages or Websites, the electronic address must be mentioned, preferably in parenthesis.
Ex.: (
Obs.: It is not necessary to mention it in the list of references at the end of the text. l-) In quotes of old and reissued books, mention first the date of the first issue, separated by a slash from the date of the issue consulted.
Ex.: Freud (1930/1980) or (Freud, 1930/1980)
Skinner (1953/1989) or (Skinner, 1953/1989)
m-) Quote of the place of publication
According to the APA (2001), major cities internationally acknowledged for their publications do not need to present the State or Country. In the case of Brazil, we chose not to mention the acronym of the State for the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.
Pfromm Neto, S. (1990). Psicologia: Introdução e guia de estudo (2a ed.). São Paulo: EPU.
Foucault, M. (1980). Historia da sexualidade: A vontade de saber (3a ed.). Rio de Janeiro: Graal.
Dalgalarrondo, P. (2000). Psicopatologia e semiologia dos transtornos mentais. Porto Alegre, RS: ARTMED.
Oliveira, V. B., & Bossa, N. A. (Orgs.). (1996). Avaliação psicopedagógica da criança de sete a onze anos. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes.


Bibliographic references must be presented at the end of the text and on a new page. The layout must be in alphabetical order, from the last surname of the author, and constitute a list starting with the title Bibliographic References. In the case of more than one work from the same author, the references must be placed in chronological order of publication.
a-) Books
Lacan, J. (1992). O seminário, livro 3: As psicoses, 1955-1956 (A. Menezes, trad.). Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar.
Lacan, J. (1990). Le séminaire, livre 11 : Les quatre concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse, 1964. Paris: Seuil.
Bion, W. R. (1991). O aprender com a experiência (P. D. Corrêa, trad.). Rio de Janeiro: Imago.
Freitag, B. (1991). Piaget e a filosofia. São Paulo, SP: Universidade Estadual Paulista. Obs. 1: When the author is the organizer of the work
Oliveira, V. B., & Bossa, N. A. (Orgs.). (1996). Avaliação psicopedagógica da criança de sete a onze anos. Petrópolis, RJ: Vozes.
Obs. 2: Works with indication of the date of the first issue
Winnicott, D. W. (1989). Objetos transicionais e fenômenos transicionais. In D. W.
Winnicott, O brincar e a realidade (pp. 13-44). São Paulo: Martins Fontes. (Original work publish in 1971)
b-) Book chapters
Freud, S. (1996). Sobre o narcisismo: uma introdução. In S. Freud, Edição standard brasileira das obras psicológicas completas de Sigmund Freud (J. Salomão, trad., Vol. 14, pp. 77-113). Rio Janeiro: Imago. (Original work published in 1914)
Freud, S. (1973). El yo y el ello. In S. Freud, Obras completas (L. Lopez-Ballesteros & De Torres, trads., 3a ed., Vol. 3, pp. 2701-2728). Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva. (Original work published in 1923)
Lacan, J. (1998). De uma questão preliminar a todo tratamento possível da psicose. In J. Lacan, Escritos (V. Ribeiro, trad., pp. 537-590). Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar.
Ruffino, R. (1993). Sobre o lugar da adolescência na teoria do sujeito. In C. R.
Rappaport (Org.), Adolescência: Abordagem psicanalítica (pp. 25-56). São Paulo: Ed. Pedagógica e Universitária.
c-) Magazine articles
Miller, J.-A. (2003). O último ensino de Lacan. Opção Lacaniana, (35), 5-24.
Levin, E. (1998). A garatuja como vestígio das letras. Estilos da Clínica: Revista sobre a Infância com Problemas, 3 (4), 120-3.
Santeiro, T. V. (2000, July/December). Criatividade em psicanálise: Produção científica internacional (1996-1998). Psicologia: Teoria e Prática, 2(2), 43-59.
d-) Seminar work published in summaries or yearbooks
Alves, I. C. B., Ruivo, R. J. & Colosio, R. (1992). O Teste R-1: precisão e estudos dos itens. In Resumos de Comunicações Científicas, XXII Reunião Anual de Psicologia (p.31), 1992, Ribeirão Preto, SP. Ribeirão Preto, SP: Sociedade de Psicologia de Ribeirão Preto. Amaral, L. A. (2001). Atividade física e diferença significativa/deficiência: algumas questões psicossociais remetidas à inclusão/convívio pelo. In Anais, 4. Congresso Brasileiro de Atividade Motora Adaptada (pp. 30-31), 2001, Curitiba, PR. Curitiba, PR: SOBAMA.
e-) Thesis or monograph
Granja, E. C. (1995). Produção científica: Dissertações e teses do IPUSP (1980/1989). Tese de Doutorado, Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP.
f-) Newspaper
Frayze-Pereira, J. A. (May 22, 1998). Arte destrói a comunicação comum e instaura a incomum. Folha de S. Paulo, São Paulo, Caderno 5, p. 24.
Published interview
Silveira, E. (August 23, 1992). O ideal moderno de namorado [Interview with César Ades]. Jornal do Brasil, p. 9.
g-) Documents extracted from electronic sources
Newspaper article
Paiva, G. J. (2000). Dante Moreira Leite: Um pioneiro da psicologia social no Brasil. Psicologia USP, 11(2). Recovered on March 12, 2001, da SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library OnLine):
Summary of periodic articles
Bernardino, L. M. F. (2001). A clínica das psicoses na infância: Impasses e invenções [Summary]. Estilos da Clínica: Revista sobre a Infância com Problemas, 6(11), 82-91. Recovered on January 9, 2003, from the Index Psi Periódicos database:
Walker, J. R., & Taylor, T. (2000, March). The elements of citation. New York: Columbia University Press. Text recovered on March 31, 2001: