Feminist Anticapacist Training:

Urgency and Insurgencies



This article is an experience report of an anti-capacitist feminist training and the reflections arising from five technology-mediated meetings with women with disabilities. These, proposed by the XXXX and the XXXX, aimed to situate, beyond disability as an embodied experience, the specificities of being a woman with disability, based on discussions of issues concerning on sexual and reproductive rights and health. From the perspective of sexual rights and reproductive rights, the meetings provoked various reflections, not only on the violations suffered in daily life, but also on the confrontations which need to be overcome with regard to sexuality, reproduction and even access to sexual and reproductive health. Interdependence, care, maternity and abortion were the themes that were highlighted.

Key-words: Disability; Women with Disabilities; Sexual Rights and Reproductive Rights; Anti-Capacity Feminist Training; University Extension.

Author Biographies

Paula Land Curi, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Professora do Departamento de Psicologia e da Pós Graduação em Psicologia do Instituto de Psicologia da UFF- Niterói

Juliana Cabral Macedo, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Graduada em Psicologia pela Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF Niterói. 





Dossiê Psicologia e Políticas da Deficiência: ativismos, aleijamentos e a luta a