Os afetos e deficiências: uma psicologia sobre rodas


  • Vivian de Jesus Correia Silva Unitoledo
  • Dolores Cristina Gomes Galindo Universidade Estadual Paulista - Unesp de Assis


This research aims to relate disability with Godmothers/Godfathers and the Wheel of Capoeira. With inspiration in the work "Borderlands: the new mestiza", by Gloria Anzaldúa, narrative from the sponsorship relations between the members inside the Wheel of Capoeira and the researcher inside the disability’s world. The experience of Wheel has been solved in three kinds of wheel and extended to the community experience of disability. In the process of writing the limitations imposed by border states of existence, it is perceived that Affective Sponsorship and odd narratives as life affirmation methodologies, spiraling the mestizo’s loop and building the concept about Informal Godfathering. Such methodologies, composed of between many hands, arms, prosthetics, legs, wheelchairs and voices, have built circular technologies of diversity, with affection connecting Disability and Godfathering.





Dossiê Psicologia e Políticas da Deficiência: ativismos, aleijamentos e a luta a