“Desejantes e desejáveis, por que não?”: articulações entre sexualidade, gênero e deficiência no cinema e para além dele


  • Ivone Maria Mendes Silva Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul (UFFS)
  • Vandriane Caroline Truylio Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul


This article problematizes the discourses disseminated in our society about “disabled” female bodies, reflecting on the forms of oppression and exclusion that such discourses help to (re)produce. To this end, it includes contributions from Judith Butler and Michel Foucault, among others, based on which the Japanese film 37 Seconds (2020) is analyzed, whose protagonist is a woman with cerebral palsy who uses a wheelchair. Testimonies about the film and the themes of sexuality and gender produced by women with disabilities living in Brazil are also analyzed. Problematizing and combating the social place of invisibility destined for these women in contemporary society, in different sociocultural contexts, is an urgent task. The fruits of this work can help them to face the challenge of forging for themselves an existence in which the exercise of social and sexual autonomy is enhanced by the daring to resist.

Keywords: cinema; gender relations; corporealities; sexuality; deficiency.





Dossiê Psicologia e Políticas da Deficiência: ativismos, aleijamentos e a luta a