Modelo Conceitual de Consciência Política em dissertações e teses no Brasil



How has the conceptual model of political consciousness been used in master's dissertations and doctoral theses in postgraduate programs in Brazil? The objective is to map the studies that use the conceptual model of political consciousness. Therefore, this work was guided by a systematic bibliographic review. This is an exploratory bibliographical research of a qualitative nature carried out on 30 dissertations and 18 theses defended between 1989 and 2023 in postgraduate programs. The results explain the approaches, the methodological aspects, the main authors who use the conceptual model of political consciousness and the Brazilian institutions where the research was carried out. It was concluded that there are still few works and, hence, Brazilian institutions focused on studying the topic of political consciousness. This article contributes to new studies aimed at improving the concept of political consciousness.

Author Biography

Suellen Nascimento dos Santos, Docente no IF Baiano – Campus Serrinha

Docente no IF Baiano – Campus Serrinha. Doutoranda no Programa de Pós Graduação em Administração (UFES). Mestre em Economia Doméstica e Graduada em Gestão de Cooperativas (UFV). E-mail:





Dossiê- Os 20 anos do modelo da Consciência Política