Vol. 11 No. 2 (2019): Mental health and interventionist projects in times of public policy changes

The special issue of the Revista Eletrônica do Núcleo de Pesquisas Fenomenológicas, "Revista do Nufen" brings articles with several reports of affectionate practices of mental health care, addressing the dilemmas, challenges and advances in the area of Mental Health linked to teaching, research, assistance and management. These articles propose reports of services, research and interventions that had as their background theme mental health, psychological suffering, and their strategies for thinking and proposing health. They are a diversity of experiences and ways of approaching the phenomenon in the different fields of health.

Rev. NUFEN vol.11 no.2 Belém maio/ago. 2019

  • Mental health and interventionist projects in times of public policy changes
    Farinha, Marciana Gonçalves; Silva, Nathália dos Santos

  • Teamwork in mental health: rhizomatic constructions and (re)inventions
    Silva, Elisa Alves da

  • Conversation circles with university students: prevention and health promotion
    Farinha, Marciana Gonçalves; Centurion, Neftali Beatriz; Braga, Tatiana Benevides Magalhães; Stefanini, Jaqueline Rodrigues

  • Pedagogical psychology projects in Goiás: notes on training in mental health
    Picasso, Raíssa; Tavares, Naraiana de Oliveira

  • Group of voice hearers in facing stigma and prejudice
    Egito, Marco Aurélio Teles do; Silva, Elisa Alves da

  • Michel Henry's contributions to Psychology: A bibliographic review
    Moraes, Mak Alisson Borges de; Costa, Ileno Izídio Da

  • Psychiatric reforms and the process of resignifying mental health work
    Martins, Rita de Cássia Andrade

  • Attention to the mental health crisis: a challenge for the Brazilian psychiatric reform
    Cruz, Karine Dutra Ferreira da; Guerrero, André Vinicius Pires; Vieira, June Scafuto; Nadjanara

  • Mental health promotion for adolescents in a high school - An experience report
    Silva, Gabriel Veloso da; Soares, Jéssica Bezerra; Sousa, Juliana Coêlho de; Kusano, Leila Akemi Evangelista

  • Psychic suffering and suicide risk: dialogue on mental health at university
    Santos, Cristina Vianna Moreira dos

  • Deinstitutionalization in the psychosocial care network: practices and perspectives in the state of Goiás
    Vaz, Barbara Coelho; Bessoni, Enrique Araújo; Nunes, Fernanda da Costa; Silva, Nathália dos Santos

  • Suicide prevention group in the university context: an experience in Mozambique
    Valentin, Fernanda; Araújo, Karla; Lopes-Lyra, Renan; Maposse, Alfredo Julio

  • (Des)atando nós: building a care/mental health line from a hospital
    Zago, Karine Santana Azevedo; Paiva, Jaqueline Teixeira; Arantes, Aglai; Cardoso, Valdirene Beatriz

  • Extricate the bodies
    Latour, Bruno

Published: 2019-05-10