Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018): Dossier Gestalt-Therapy

The special issue of the NUFEN magazine, entitled Dossier of Gestalt-therapy, includes works from different regions of Brazil. Presenting the productions of actions carried out by professionals who use the gestalt approach and Gestalt-therapy as a theoretical and methodological foundation in different areas of the psychologist's practice and in the different spaces in which they are inserted. They integrate a look at practices that involve the clinic, school, university, and topics such as spirituality/religiosity, breast cancer, human development, immigration, among others, which are extremely important for the debate in this approach to psychology. . Diversity is also perceived in the multiple configurations and epistemological influences that make up the texts. Thus, we believe that in this scenario it is possible to raise critical reflections and offer subsidies for new academic productions, as well as to contribute to the advancement and enrichment of the way scientific knowledge has been produced and shared.

Rev. NUFEN vol.10 no.2 Belém maio/ago. 2018

  • Dossier Gestalt-Therapy
    Pimentel, Adelma; Gotto, Tommy Akira; Araújo, Lucivaldo; Farinha, Marciana; Vale, Kamilly

  • Adjusting creatively is necessary: experiences and confrontations in pre-orthopedic surgery beds
    Barros, Eloísa Amorim de

  • Spirituality/Religiosity for Fritz Perls: digging through his writings (1942-1973)
    Nascimento, Lázaro Castro Silva; Holanda, Adriano Furtado

  • Retroflection and breast cancer: predispositions and relationships with five major personality factors
    Freitas, Jênnyfer Cristina Almeida de; Guerra, Karla Carine Moreira; Yano, Luciane Patrícia

  • Psychotherapeutic management in the experience of cultural exchange in gestalt therapy
    Sá, Jurandir Monteiro de

  • Autistic functioning from the perspective of the gestalt clinic
    Soares, Marcela Neves; Ferreira, Wanderlea Nazaré Bandeira

  • Relationship between self system and layers of neurosis in gestalt therapy
    Bandeira, Célia Cristina de Albuquerque; Schmidt, Luciana Machado; Grünewald, Virginia; Fialho, Francisco Antônio Pereira

  • Human de-enveloping: field expansion for Gestalt-Therapy
    Karpen, Magaly Fernandes Santiago

  • Supervision in Gestalt-Therapy: from the delicacy of teaching to the adventure of learning
    Quadros, Laura Cristina de Toledo; Araujo, Erika da Silva; Souza, Deborah da Silva de

  • Limits in children's education: challenges and possibilities from a gestalt perspective
    Gaspar, Fabíola Mansur Polito; Abreu, Elise Haas de

  • Mediating lives at school: reflections on school inclusion in a gestalt perspective
    Oliveira, Leticia Marques de; Prestrelo, Eleonôra Torres

  • Victims of intrafamily sexual violence: a gestalt approach
    Antony, Sheila; Almeida, Ediléia Menezes de

Published: 2018-05-10