This is an outdated version published on 2023-10-09. Read the most recent version.





We analyze contributions of the schizoanalytic group device to the constitution of singularizations and collective movements in public policies, identifying practices that mobilize processes and exposing the potential of an ethical experience in the construction of psychosocial praxis. The research is theoretical essay and its methodology allowed to agency a cartographic reading. Its references outline a critical designation of social policies, connected to contributions by authors who discuss the schizoanalytic group process and by Spinozian ethics. Exploring the notions of tetravalence and transversality, we defend group as an ethical-political ethos, capable of composing ways of reframing and boosting creations by erecting a context that allows to affect and be affected, in the collective composition of experiments. Faced with the violent advance of neoliberalism, it is urgent to compose devices of resistance and creation in the face of the challenge of overcoming inequalities, ethical-political suffering and the abyssal fall to individualism.

Author Biographies

Murilo Cavagnoli, Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó - Unochapecó

Psychologist and specialist in Social Psychology at Unochapecó, Master and PhD in Psychology from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. He is currently a professor at the Regional Community University of Chapecó (Unochapecó), where he works in teaching, research and extension. He has experience in Psychology, with emphasis on Social Psychology, working mainly on the following topics: social psychology, aesthetics, politics and creation processes, production of subjectivity, music, art and psychological intervention in the context of public policies of social assistance and health.

André Luiz Strappazzon, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC

Adjunct Professor A1, Department of Psychology, Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), graduated in Psychology from UFSC, with a Master's and Doctorate degree in Psychology program at this same university. Member of the Research Center on Social, Aesthetic and Political Practices (NUPRA). It has intertwined studies between the Philosophy of Espinosa and Psychology, working on research and extension projects from these references.


