Community, Common, Communality: paths contrary to the colonizing ways of psychology


  • Oetsia Vargas Smits Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE)
  • Lara Brum de Calais
  • Pedro Renan Santos de Oliveira


We analyzed the conditions to build the meaning of be/make community in contradiction to the means of subjectification of life derived from the hegemonic capitalist-colonizing model in Latin America.  Of a theoretical nature and through an narrative review, the reflections were organized in two analytical axes on the meaning of being / doing community in psis practices: in the first, the encounters and disagreements of psychology with the being / doing of the Latin American community in scenarios of neoliberal ascent are debated. In the second axis, it is argued about the search for a sense of "common" in psychological praxis, as an ethical-political horizon that creates the conditions for the possibilities of an insurgent psychology. When weaving clues for a possible (re)encounter of Psychology with the community being, challenges are pointed out to produce gaps in the capitalist-colonial-patriarchal project, present in the dominant being / doing in Psychology.




