A A Palestina em livro didático de História da Rede Educacional Adventista

The Palestine in Adventist Educational Network History textbook: the eloquence of silence


  • Ashjan Sadique Adi Universidade de São Paulo - USP/ Doutoranda
  • Francirosy Universidade de São Paulo - Campus Ribeirão Preto/ Docente


The present article is one of the results of doctoral research in Psychology and deals with the discourses about Palestine in the History textbook of the Adventist Educational Network. Considering that the Palestinian issue is quite distorted by the hegemonic narrative, inciting prejudices and stereotypes, the objective of this work was to analyze how the topic is approached by the didactic narrative, considering its educational and social responsibility. The methodology used was bibliographic and documentary research based on a decolonial analytical perspective. The results demonstrate that the narrative softens historical facts and silences various violence suffered in the Palestinian territories, due to the military occupation, ethnic cleansing, the apartheid regime, and colonialism, in the case of a symbolic erasure and an epistemicide. We conclude that the narrative needs important corrections in order to convey the actual reality of this context and enable students to become more critically aware of it.

Author Biography

Francirosy, Universidade de São Paulo - Campus Ribeirão Preto/ Docente

Anthropologist, Associate Professor and Researcher at the Social Psychology
Department at the University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto campus (FFCLRP).
She is a CNPq Research Productivity Scholar (PQ-2) beginning 2020.
Post Doc from the University of Oxford in Islamic Theology under the supervision
of Prof. Tariq Ramadan. Has a degree in Social Sciences from the Faculty of Philosophy,
Letters and Human Sciences of the University of São Paulo (1994), a master's degree
in Anthropology from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (2001)
and a PhD in Anthropology - Fac. of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences - USP (2007).
PRODOC IA/UNICAMP (2008-2010). She is coordinator of GRACIAS - Anthropology Group in
Islamic and Arab Contexts; Effective member of the ABA Brazilian Association of Anthropology.
Azimuth Researcher ? Center for Studies in Islamic Contexts (CRIA/ISCTE), Researcher at
GRAVI and NAPEDRA (USP). Organizer of the book: Women's views on Islam: ethnographies,
methodologies and images (Hucitec, 2010) and co-organizer of the collection:
Performance - Art and Anthropology (Hucitec, 2010), author of the book "Islamic Performances
in São Paulo: entre arabesques , moons and dates" (Edições Terceira Via, 2017).
Video director: Allahu Akbar, Sacrifice, Voices of Islam and Allah, Oxalá na trail Malê (2015).
Has experience in Anthropology, with emphasis on Anthropological Theory, working mainly on the
following topics: Islam, Muslim women, performance anthropology, visual anthropology,





