coming out of the crip closet

From the private effort for autonomy to the public anti-ableism struggle


  • Angela Madeo IHUCSO (CONICET-UNL)


The objective of this article is to present the trajectories of a group of people with disabilities in the city of Santa Fe, Argentina, focusing on "coming out of the closet", a metaphor that following Mc Ruer (2021) will allow us to reflect on the passage they experienced from a moment of private effort to pass through the institutions of "normality", to a moment of encounter with peers and anti-ableism struggle

The methodological proposal is qualitative and has as its main input eight in-depth interviews. For the construction of the problem from a sociological and relational perspective, authors such as Erving Goffman (2010) and Pierre Bourdieu (1984) were used, which will be put in dialogue with the contributions of referential authors of crip studies such as Robert Mc Ruer (2020; 2021) and Mia Mingus (2011).





Dossiê Psicologia e Políticas da Deficiência: ativismos, aleijamentos e a luta a