Effects of COVID-19 social distancing on urban mobility: Longitudinal evidences from the Federal District-Brazil


Palabras clave:

active mobility, motorized transport, physical distance, COVID-19.


The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted people's daily life in several ways, especially given that social distancing appears to be the most effective way to reduce the spread of the virus to date. Analyzing longitudinal data from a group of residents in the Federal District of Brazil, we verified the impact of physical distancing recommendations in April of 2020. Of 351 respondents of a 2017 survey regarding healthy urban mobility, 77 answered a second survey in 2020. Considering leaving home, significant reduction in going to work, making social visits, leisure activities and taking care of health were found. Furthermore, the use of active transportation modes (walking and cycling) did not change significantly, while the use of motorized transportation modes was reduced significantly. We conclude that both during the pandemic period and post-pandemic period, special attention should be given to stimulate active mobility and reduce the use of motorized transportation modes.

Biografía del autor/a

Hartmut Günther, Institute of Psychology University of Brasília

Professor Emérito
Head, Environmental Psychology Research Group
Institute of Psychology
University of Brasília  



Cómo citar

Neto, I. L., Günther, H., Matsunaga, L. H., & Machado, C. C. (2021). Effects of COVID-19 social distancing on urban mobility: Longitudinal evidences from the Federal District-Brazil. Estudos De Psicologia (Natal), 26(3), 323–332. Recuperado a partir de https://submission-pepsic.scielo.br/index.php/epsic/article/view/20747



Aspectos psicosociales de las interacciones entre personas y diferentes contextos socioambientales