Motives for Dropout and Learning Motivation in Higher Education


  • Adriana Satico Ferraz Universidade São Francisco, Campus Swift, Campinas/SP
  • Acácia Aparecida Angeli dos Santos Universidade São Francisco, Campus Swift, Campinas/SP
  • Rodolfo A. M. Ambiel Universidade São Francisco, Campus Swift, Campinas/SP
  • Simone Nenê Portela Dalbosco Universidade São Francisco, Campus Swift, Campinas/SP


Palabras clave:

abandono acadêmico, metas de realização, atribuições de causalidade intrapessoais


This study aimed to investigate the motives for academic dropout and learning motivation (achievement goals and intrapersonal causal attributions) of 335 students from a private Brazilian university. We identified statistically significant differences in the three constructs regarding the students' intention to drop out of the course, gender, age, and course. The correlations between the constructs were weak and moderate magnitude. Achievement goals, causal attributions, dropout intention, and age accounted for 39% of the explained variance of the financial motives for dropout, 38% for academics, and 48% for health and well-being. These results indicate that the motives for dropout vary according to the students' specificities and the course. Also, there are relationships between this construct and motivation. This study provides subsidies for professionals working in higher education, especially in private institutions. We suggested continuing investigations on the subject.



Cómo citar

Ferraz, A. S., Santos, A. A. A. dos, Ambiel, R. A. M., & Dalbosco, S. N. P. (2021). Motives for Dropout and Learning Motivation in Higher Education. Estudos De Psicologia (Natal), 26(3), 229–241.



Psicobiología y Psicología Cognitiva