
    Vol. 16 (2024)

    2024 é um ano com prenúncio de inúmeras mudanças estruturais no mundo: guerras no Oriente médio; esgotamento de recursos naturais; preparação para a Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre as Mudanças Climáticas de 2025, também chamada de COP30; 200 anos da primeira constituição brasileira (1824); 110 anos da primeira guerra mundial (1914). Greves nas instituições de ensino superior por inúmeras melhorias: estrutura física dos espaços de trabalho; sala para professoras/ pesquisadoras; acesso a tecnologias da informação e da comunicação; financiamentos de estudos com bolsas para discentes, sem precisar de tanta competição interna entre pares. No Brasil aumento das violências e feminicídios; etc...  (  

    No mundo editorial o sistema de gestão PEPSIC, consequentemente das revistas de Psicologia que integram o portal, encontra-se em plena reformulação. No contexto deste periódico a equipe foi ampliada com a entrada de editores que buscam permanentemente melhorar o trabalho, em prol da ciência psicológica de base fenomenológica, existencial, hermenêutica e práticas clínicas gestálticas e centrada na pessoa. E ainda, no enfoque interdisciplinar, pois adotamos trinta por cento do espaço do periódico para reflexões em terapia ocupacional e saúde psíquica. 

     Principiamos as publicações do ano de 2024 em fluxo contínuo, apresentando as primeiras composições das autoras e autores que produzem seus textos para o periódico. Neste volume, ao longo do ano agregaremos outros materiais que estão em análises por Parecerista, reiterando nosso compromisso com a avaliação às cegas, bem como desenvolver estratégias que permitem manter o fôlego e a vitalidade da Revista, e a missão de comunicar trabalhos inéditos.

    Leia editorial completo.

    Excelente leitura. 


    Vol. 15 No. 1 (2023)

    Fluxo contínuo 2023

    Vol. 14 No. 3 (2022)

    O conteúdo do volume 14-3-2022, em fluxo contínuo, tematiza a morte e o morrer  em vários textos, favorecendo questionar a atual significação da morte, ante o rescaldo; ou, ainda, a emergência mundial da pandemia da Covid-19, em que se vivencia o entrelaçamento do temor da minha morte e a escuta de notícias da morte de vários outros.  Invitamos a interrogar profundamente o modelo de sociedade capitalista excludente, competitiva, caracterizada por hierarquia entre pessoas, símbolos, e entre as ciências. Igualmente questionar a privatização da doença e da vida pelas empresas hospitalares; a ingestão de agentes químicos lícitos e ilícitos, que obnubilam a consciência, interrogar para compreender, a conjuntura e o “esquecimento” da finitude, que provoca sentimentos de angústia da impotência.

  • Unveiling Knowledge
    Vol. 14 No. 2 (2022)

    O princípio estrutural deste volume é o Desvelamento pelas autoras e autores de temas e questões importantes no mundo da vida.  A leitura tem a importante função do desvelamento das contingências, dos nexos intencionais e das relações entre saber e poder. Aproveitem!

    Edição e Editoração:  Adelma Pimente, Maria de Nazareth Malcher, Kamilly Vale, Marciana Farinha, Tommy Akira Goto. XML: Edna Malaco. 

    Financiamento: PROAP/UFPA

    Capa: Fotografia de Sérgio Malcher


  • O Periódico no Mundo

    Fluxos Contínuos de Comunicação Científica
    Vol. 14 No. 1 (2022)

    Em 2022 o Periódico adotou o Sistema de Fluxo Contínuo; assim, logo que o texto for aprovado será publicado no volume pertinente. É muito importante que os autores e as autoras atentem, cuidadosamente, para o processo de submissão quanto  à utilização das normas da APA-6ª edição, e preencher todos os metadados. Agradecemos a confiança em nosso periódico.

  • Linhas equatoriais

    Knowledge Moves Action
    Vol. 13 No. 3 (2021)

  • Suffering, Crisis and Care at the University: clinical and phenomenological interventions
    Vol. 13 No. 2 (2021)

    Special edition organized by:

  • Solidarity, empathic resilience and scientific knowledge
    Vol. 13 No. 1 (2021)

    Volume that emphasizes solidarity with all journal editors, who continue to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge in the area of Phenomenologically oriented Psychology and Human Sciences; and to the authors who submitted their contributions to the journal, coming from different work contexts. Our empathic attitude is for the sake of life.

    V 13, N 1 (2021)

  • Mental health and Interdisciplinarity
    Vol. 12 No. 3 (2020)

    The special issue of Revista do NUFEN publishes scientific papers focused on the field of mental health and interdisciplinarity. These publications corroborate a worldwide concern of the population, professionals and researchers, regarding the problem of psychological distress, often resulting from social and cultural structures, which can generate conditions of vulnerability and culminate in disorders related to anxiety, depression, suicide, prejudice, violence, with impacts on the health of the population.

    Rev. NUFEN vol.12 no.3 Belém set./dez. 2020

    • Mental health and Interdisciplinarity
      Farinha, Marciana Gonçalves; Vale, Raquel Rosa Mendonça do; Stefanini, Jaqueline Rodrigues; Nunes, Fernanda Costa

    • Coordination of a group modality of mental health promotion: phenomenological reflections
      Prado, Ana Paula Craveiro; Cardoso, Carmen Lucia

    • Maternal grief in suicide: impotence and helplessness in the face of (im)possibilities
      Serra, Adriana Patrícia Egg; Freitas, Joanneliese de Lucas

    • The feelings of health professionals regarding the death of newborns
      Vasconcelos, Lucila Moura Ramos; Dutra, Elza Maria do Socorro

    • Repercussions of social determinants on the mental health of Haitian migrants in Goiás
      Lima, Manuella Rodrigues de Almeida; Souza, Marta Rovery de; Nunes, Fernanda Costa

    • Witnesses of a suicide: a study with merchants near the Newton Navarro bridge in Natal
      Azevedo, Ana Karina Silva; Costa, Amanda Melo Queiroz da; Oliveira, Olga Maria Hawes Fernandes de

    • Women in situations of domestic violence accompanied at a Psychosocial Care Center
      Campos, Ioneide de Oliveira; Magalhães, Yasmim Bezerra; Angulo-Tuesta, Antonia

    • Meaning attributed by health professionals to violence experienced by children and adolescents
      Freitas, Rodrigo Jácob Moreira de; Moura, Natana Abreu de; Monteiro, Ana Ruth Macêdo

    • Care is doubled: Motherhood in the context of psychosocial care
      Félix, Lívia Botelho; Santos, Maria de Fátima de Souza; Aléssio, Renata Lira dos Santos

    • Integrality in training: understanding of mentors and the multidisciplinary team
      Maroja, Maria Clara Santana; Fernandes, Maria Neyrian de Fátima; Almeida Júnior, José Jailson de

    • The therapeutic itinerary of people with mental disorders: turning points
      Muhl, Camila

    • Importance of qualified care for indigenous people with attempted suicide: experience report
      Almeida, Milena Nunes de; Silva, Nathália dos Santos; Caixeta, Camila Cardoso

    • Therapeutic Workshop, Psychology and Art: internship experience at the Psychosocial Care Center
      Picasso, Raíssa; Silva, Elisa Alves; Arantes, Débora Jeronima

    • Reduction of vulnerabilities as a care strategy for the Street Clinic
      Souza, Adrielle Cristina Silva; Pinho, Eurides Santos; Machado, Mayk Diego Gomes da Glória; Nogueira, Luzana Eva Ferreira Lopes

  • The potency of collective, care and knowledge construction in the experience of the Coronavirus pandemic
    Vol. 12 No. 2 (2020)

    The Collective responsible for Revista do NUFEN joins its voice with that of all scientists and health professionals, dedicated twenty-four hours to the treatment of people infected with COVID 19, asking readers of the journal: if you can, stay at home to avoid dissemination of the disease. Let's take care of each other to stop the pandemic. Enjoy reading.

    Rev. NUFEN vol.12 no.2 Belém maio/ago. 2020

    • The potency of collective, care and knowledge construction in the experience of the Coronavirus pandemic
      Vale, Kamilly

    • The hospitalized person's perception of their experience in the hospital
      Santos, Gisele Batista Silva; Santos, Benezuete Brito dos; Melo, Jefferson dos Santos

    • Beyond breast cancer: a study centered on women undergoing chemotherapy
      Pereira, Leihge Roselle Rondon; Calhao, Ana Rafaela Pecora

    • Occupational health and safety and ethical suffering
      Nogueira, Laura Soares Martins; Oliveira, Paulo de Tarso Ribeiro de; Belloc, Márcio Mariath

    • Relational experiences on social networks at different stages of life
      Nascimento, Andréa Pereira do; Travassos, Leilane Menezes Maciel

    • Bookkeeping with women: experimenting with Rolland Barthes and Walter Benjamin
      Fernandes, Soleane Portes e Silva; Machado, Leila Aparecida Domingues

    • Guidelines of Brazilian Psychology in relation to the prevention of Covid19
      Pimentel, Adelma do Socorro Gonçalves; Maués, Heloá Pontes; Lima, Natasha Cabral Ferraz de; Junior, Germino Ferraz de Andrade

    • Expanded clinic and network articulation: experience report at SUAS
      Moura, Débora de Toledo; Stefaniszen, Victor; Magalhães, Tatiana Benevides; Farinha, Marciana G.

    • Mirror neurons and the therapeutic relationship in Gestalt-Therapy
      Yano, Luciane Patrícia; Lima, Mayara Carvalho de

    • Christian vitalism and psychology: contributions by Michel Henry and Wilhem Reich
      Santos, Gustavo Alvarenga Oliveira

    • The critical refoundation of science and ontopsychology
      Silva, Bruno Fleck da; Wazlawick, Patricia; Schaefer, Ricardo

    • Being a working woman and a mother in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: weaving meanings
      Macêdo, Shirley

    • Critical Perspectives in School Psychology
      Sousa, Kairon Pereira de Araújo

    • Reconstructions of the person-centered approach: new encounters
      Souza, José Alves de; Lima, Aluísio Ferreira de

  • Phenomenology and Interdisciplinarity: Psychology, Philosophy and Human Sciences
    Vol. 12 No. 1 (2020)

    We are pleased to publish volume 12, opening the year 2020 with the participation of a guest editor, Professor Eduardo Marandola Junior, who gathered in the dossier "Phenomenology and Interdisciplinarity" the results from the "V Local Seminar of NOMEAR – Grupo de Research Phenomenology and Geography on Interdisciplinarity", organized by the homonymous group with the aim of exposing, debating and disseminating the research carried out by its members.

    Rev. NUFEN vol.12 no.1 Belém jan./abr. 2020

    • Phenomenology and interdisciplinarity: Psychology, Philosophy and Human Sciences
      Goto, Tommy Akira; Marandola Jr., Eduardo

    • Phenomenology as an opening to interdisciplinarity
      Marandola Jr., Eduardo

    • Interdict interposed: an existential phenomenological perspective of interdisciplinarity
      Almeida, Nara Cristina Moreira

    • Gadamer and the environmental issue
      Batista, Gustavo Silvano

    • Ethnographic experience, perspective shift and interdisciplinarity
      Júnior, Roberto Donato da Silva

    • Interdisciplinary arteries and pores: demarcation of territory or inauguration of possibilities?
      Cordova, Vitor Sartori

    • Rubble of a thought: among ruins and interdisciplinarity
      Silveira, Heitor Matos da

    • The myth of the gênse and the catabase of man: an Eliadean analysis of the Corpus Hermeticum 1. 12-15
      Lira, David Pessoa de

    • Gilbert Durand and Hermeticism: Religionism, Tradition and Esoterism
      Vieira, Otávio Santana; Cavalcanti, Carlos André Macêdo

    • Ethics and freedom: dealing with existing conflicts in the school environment
      Lins, Maria Judith Sucupira da Costa; Miranda, Bruna Rodrigues Cardoso

    • Interdisciplinary phenomenology
      Ihde, Don

  • Narratives of contemporary experience with interdisciplinarity.
    Vol. 11 No. 3 (2019)

    Narrative is a creative way that people, authors of scientific texts and citizens who transit in the world of life use to spread their biography and their worldly work and thus, show themselves in the world. Reflecting on this statement, we understand that contemporary contexts of our daily life distance us from this practice, for example, access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT's), which, in a dynamic, volatile way, ingrains, as a voluntary act, affecting us in a different ways, producing health or human suffering. Let's wait in the reading for the affectation, reflection and the forwarding of narratives under the perception of the reader who enjoys the biography of the subjects and their interrelationships to the world of contemporary life.

    Rev. NUFEN vol.11 no.3 Belém set./dez. 2019

    • Narratives of contemporary experience with interdisciplinary
      Silva, Maria de Nazareth Rodrigues Malcher de Oliveira

    • Lesbian religious experience: from exclusion to inclusion
      Guimarães, Jayane Santos; Zerbinati, João Paulo; Bruns, Maria Alves de Toledo

    • Curb cartography: a story on the streets in Brasília (DF)
      Jabur, Pedro de Andrade Calil; Cássio, Tâmara Rios de Sousa; Conceição, Henrique Oliveira da

    • Integrative and complementary practices: experiences of psychosocial care in Belém/Pará
      Oliveira, Ingrid Bergma da Silva; Ponte, Amélia Belisa Moutinho da

    • The use of virtual diaries as a recovery strategy for the meeting you and me
      Quinto, Wanderson Alexandre da Silva; silva, Maria de Nazareth Rodrigues Malcher de Oliveira

    • Constitution of the therapeutic bond in online psychotherapy: gestalt perspectives
      Faria, Gabriela Moreira de

    • Illness narratives and encounters with an Italian mental health center
      Kantorski, Luciane Prado; Cardano, Mario; Machado, Roberta Antunes; Borges, Luana Ribeiro

    • Medicinal plants and their uses in an Amazonian quilombo: the case of the Quilombola do Abacatal community, Ananindeua (PA)
      Silva, Amanda Cardoso da; Lobato, Flavio Henrique Souza; Ravena-Canete, Voyner

    • Modes of care and mental health: notes for a psychosocial practice
      Araújo, Lucivaldo da Silva; Bassalo, Juliana Ferreira

    • Contributions of Husserlian phenomenology to Clinical Psychology
      Oliveira, Thayane Cristine Amaral; Borba, Jean Marlos Pinheiro

    • The dignity of the human person as an absolute value in Brazil
      Souto, Ricardo dos Santos

    • Three contemporary utopias
      Rodrigues, Mateus Ferreira

  • Mental health and interventionist projects in times of public policy changes
    Vol. 11 No. 2 (2019)

    The special issue of the Revista Eletrônica do Núcleo de Pesquisas Fenomenológicas, "Revista do Nufen" brings articles with several reports of affectionate practices of mental health care, addressing the dilemmas, challenges and advances in the area of Mental Health linked to teaching, research, assistance and management. These articles propose reports of services, research and interventions that had as their background theme mental health, psychological suffering, and their strategies for thinking and proposing health. They are a diversity of experiences and ways of approaching the phenomenon in the different fields of health.

    Rev. NUFEN vol.11 no.2 Belém maio/ago. 2019

    • Mental health and interventionist projects in times of public policy changes
      Farinha, Marciana Gonçalves; Silva, Nathália dos Santos

    • Teamwork in mental health: rhizomatic constructions and (re)inventions
      Silva, Elisa Alves da

    • Conversation circles with university students: prevention and health promotion
      Farinha, Marciana Gonçalves; Centurion, Neftali Beatriz; Braga, Tatiana Benevides Magalhães; Stefanini, Jaqueline Rodrigues

    • Pedagogical psychology projects in Goiás: notes on training in mental health
      Picasso, Raíssa; Tavares, Naraiana de Oliveira

    • Group of voice hearers in facing stigma and prejudice
      Egito, Marco Aurélio Teles do; Silva, Elisa Alves da

    • Michel Henry's contributions to Psychology: A bibliographic review
      Moraes, Mak Alisson Borges de; Costa, Ileno Izídio Da

    • Psychiatric reforms and the process of resignifying mental health work
      Martins, Rita de Cássia Andrade

    • Attention to the mental health crisis: a challenge for the Brazilian psychiatric reform
      Cruz, Karine Dutra Ferreira da; Guerrero, André Vinicius Pires; Vieira, June Scafuto; Nadjanara

    • Mental health promotion for adolescents in a high school - An experience report
      Silva, Gabriel Veloso da; Soares, Jéssica Bezerra; Sousa, Juliana Coêlho de; Kusano, Leila Akemi Evangelista

    • Psychic suffering and suicide risk: dialogue on mental health at university
      Santos, Cristina Vianna Moreira dos

    • Deinstitutionalization in the psychosocial care network: practices and perspectives in the state of Goiás
      Vaz, Barbara Coelho; Bessoni, Enrique Araújo; Nunes, Fernanda da Costa; Silva, Nathália dos Santos

    • Suicide prevention group in the university context: an experience in Mozambique
      Valentin, Fernanda; Araújo, Karla; Lopes-Lyra, Renan; Maposse, Alfredo Julio

    • (Des)atando nós: building a care/mental health line from a hospital
      Zago, Karine Santana Azevedo; Paiva, Jaqueline Teixeira; Arantes, Aglai; Cardoso, Valdirene Beatriz

    • Extricate the bodies
      Latour, Bruno

  • Feeling connected, common and ethical: antidotes for reducing human suffering
    Vol. 11 No. 1 (2019)

    Returning to the natural word, we situate the ecological meaning that favors the encounter with the poetic place of the arboreal imaginary and its repercussions and resonances in the urban landscape in Parque do Flamengo, city of Rio de Janeiro. Trees integrate nature, the environment and the ecosystem, contributing to the balance between life that arises and life that flows. Nature is an alert messenger for the recovery of values; it is also a symbol of integration with existing as poiesis. Use the volume to expand meditations and adopt attitudes that allow us to feel connected to each other in favor of the common good and ethics.

    Rev. NUFEN vol.11 no.1 Belém jan./abr. 2019

    • Feeling connected, common and ethical: antidotes for reducing human suffering
      Pimentel, Adelma; Goto, Tommy Akira; Araújo, Lucivaldo; Farinha, Marciana; Vale, Kamilly

    • The naturalization of the experience in mental health care: an epistemological question
      Puchivailo, Mariana Cardoso; Costa, Ileno Izídio da; Holanda, Adriano Furtado

    • The gestalt clinic from the perspective of the beginning psychotherapist
      Ming-Wau, Carlos; Gonçalves, Yadja do Nascimento; Medeiros, Márcia Duarte; Lima, Deyseane Maria Araújo

    • Talking about absentee-presence: experiences of suffering in maternal mourning
      Assis, Gustavo Alves Pereira de; Motta, Hinayana Leão; Soares, Ronaldo Veríssimo

    • Person-centered approach: the facilitating posture of psychologists in primary care
      Rocha, Ana Maria Campos da; Espírito Santo, Patrícia do Socorro Magalhães Franco do

    • Psychologists' perceptions of hospitalized people's religious beliefs: a phenomenological study
      Souza, Letícia Silva de; Branco, Paulo Coelho Castelo; Branco, Andréa Batista de Andrade Castelo

    • The black stripe of medicalization": reflections for the psychological clinic
      Silva, Ellen Fernanda Gomes da; Barreto, Carmem

    • Cyberbullying in high school students in Juazeiro BA
      Gondim, Liberalina Santos de Souza; Ribeiro, Marcelo Silva de Souza

    • Intra-family violence and the repercussions for women's health: understanding Antônia's story
      Stefanini, Jaqueline Rodrigues; Juan-Martínez, Berenice; Silva, Débora Tatiane Góes; Farinha, Marciana Gonçalves

    • "The question of technique" in Heidegger: considerations on the psychological clinic
      Silva, Nayane Aparecida da Costa; Freitas, Joanneliese de Lucas

    • Landscape and phenomenology of the poetic place: arboreal imaginary of Flamengo Park
      Crichyno, Jorge

    • Ways of coping with HIV/AIDS: human rights, vulnerabilities and health care
      Maia, Érica Catarine Ataide; Reis Junior, Leandro Passarinho

    • Investigating autism: theory of mind and the phenomenological alternative
      Lima, Rossano Cabral

    • Psychodrama and playful activities in the promotion and prevention of child mental health
      Silva, LucylaKésia de Carvalho; Silva, Elisa Alves da

    • Violence against women and promotion of mental health in the community
      Santos, Cristina Vianna Moreira dos; Irineu, Bruna Andrade

    • Understanding school failure as a historical and social production
      Sousa, Kairon Pereira de Araújo; Nobrega, Jefferson Machado; Freitas, Renata Miranda de

  • Phenomenological psychology today
    Vol. 10 No. 3 (2018)

    It is with enthusiasm that we deliver this new issue of the Electronic Journal of the Phenomenological Research Center, "Revista do Nufen". The reader will observe that in this volume we bring an unpublished Dossier: "Phenomenology and Phenomenological Psychology in the present: concepts and themes"; a Section of free articles and reviews, all in a diversity of themes, objects of study and current references that involve both the field of Psychology and Phenomenology.

    Rev. NUFEN vol.10 no.3 Belém set./dez. 2018

    • Phenomenological psychology today
      Pimentel, Adelma; Goto, Tommy Akira; Araújo, Lucivaldo; Farinha, Marciana; Vale, Kamilly

    • Psychology and phenomenology
      Martin Sala, Jose Javier San

    • The essence of the psyche in Husserl's phenomenology and its redirection in Merleau-Ponty
      Josgrilberg, Rui de Souza

    • Transcendental phenomenology and Edmund Husserl's phenomenological psychology
      Goto, Tommy Akira; Holanda, Adriano Furtado; Costa, Ileno Izidio da

    • Affectivity as pathos: the return to the original experience
      Rovaletti, María Lucrecia

    • The familiar and the strange. An approach to studies on dwelling: between phenomenology and psychoanalysis
      Osswald, Andrés M.

    • The familiar and the strange. An approach to studies on dwelling: between phenomenology and psychoanalysis
      Osswald, Andrés M.

    • Synthesis of motivation and passive genesis of axiological consciousness in Edmund Husserl's phenomenology
      Quepons, Ignacio

    • Buytendijk and the child's first smile phenomenon
      Silva, Claudinei Aparecido de Freitas da

    • The impossible memory. A phenomenological analysis on the limits of remembrance
      Kretschel, Verónica

    • The concept of phenomenological psychology in the Husserlian work and its implications for psychology
      Cormanich, Eduardo Luis; Arja Castañon, Gustavo

    • Herd morals: Nietzsche and the public dimension of human life
      Scolari, Paolo

    • Considerations on domestic violence from the perspective of a phenomenological-existential psychology
      Martínez-Romero Gandos, José

    • Sense and Virtual Reality in Ortega y Gasset's Phenomenology
      Sánchez Muñoz, Rubén

    • Braga, Antonelli De Alvim (2018). Soul and Pre-Scientific Psychology. A Historical-Epistemological Reflection. Curitiba: Editora Appris
      Oliveira, João Lucas Santos de

  • Dossier Gestalt-Therapy
    Vol. 10 No. 2 (2018)

    The special issue of the NUFEN magazine, entitled Dossier of Gestalt-therapy, includes works from different regions of Brazil. Presenting the productions of actions carried out by professionals who use the gestalt approach and Gestalt-therapy as a theoretical and methodological foundation in different areas of the psychologist's practice and in the different spaces in which they are inserted. They integrate a look at practices that involve the clinic, school, university, and topics such as spirituality/religiosity, breast cancer, human development, immigration, among others, which are extremely important for the debate in this approach to psychology. . Diversity is also perceived in the multiple configurations and epistemological influences that make up the texts. Thus, we believe that in this scenario it is possible to raise critical reflections and offer subsidies for new academic productions, as well as to contribute to the advancement and enrichment of the way scientific knowledge has been produced and shared.

    Rev. NUFEN vol.10 no.2 Belém maio/ago. 2018

    • Dossier Gestalt-Therapy
      Pimentel, Adelma; Gotto, Tommy Akira; Araújo, Lucivaldo; Farinha, Marciana; Vale, Kamilly

    • Adjusting creatively is necessary: experiences and confrontations in pre-orthopedic surgery beds
      Barros, Eloísa Amorim de

    • Spirituality/Religiosity for Fritz Perls: digging through his writings (1942-1973)
      Nascimento, Lázaro Castro Silva; Holanda, Adriano Furtado

    • Retroflection and breast cancer: predispositions and relationships with five major personality factors
      Freitas, Jênnyfer Cristina Almeida de; Guerra, Karla Carine Moreira; Yano, Luciane Patrícia

    • Psychotherapeutic management in the experience of cultural exchange in gestalt therapy
      Sá, Jurandir Monteiro de

    • Autistic functioning from the perspective of the gestalt clinic
      Soares, Marcela Neves; Ferreira, Wanderlea Nazaré Bandeira

    • Relationship between self system and layers of neurosis in gestalt therapy
      Bandeira, Célia Cristina de Albuquerque; Schmidt, Luciana Machado; Grünewald, Virginia; Fialho, Francisco Antônio Pereira

    • Human de-enveloping: field expansion for Gestalt-Therapy
      Karpen, Magaly Fernandes Santiago

    • Supervision in Gestalt-Therapy: from the delicacy of teaching to the adventure of learning
      Quadros, Laura Cristina de Toledo; Araujo, Erika da Silva; Souza, Deborah da Silva de

    • Limits in children's education: challenges and possibilities from a gestalt perspective
      Gaspar, Fabíola Mansur Polito; Abreu, Elise Haas de

    • Mediating lives at school: reflections on school inclusion in a gestalt perspective
      Oliveira, Leticia Marques de; Prestrelo, Eleonôra Torres

    • Victims of intrafamily sexual violence: a gestalt approach
      Antony, Sheila; Almeida, Ediléia Menezes de

  • Expanded health protection network
    Vol. 10 No. 1 (2018)

    The biomedical paradigm established in the 17th century implanted the premises of health as the absence of disease, the hospital as a place of healing and production of medical knowledge; of the language of the symptom and of the representation of the body, of pathology. In the 21st century, there is an exponential advance in molecular research, DNA and internal body imaging technologies: X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, etc. (Almeida Filho & Jucá, 2002). In the surrounding world, conceiving health in its complexity benefits the integral experience of Sexuality and the Body in the World of Life, the break with binarisms, especially those linked to heterosexuality to shelter transsexuals, bisexuals, homosexuals and transvestites on a single level, that of humanity . May the themes in volume 10(1)-2018 stimulate your reading.

    Rev. NUFEN vol.10 no.1 Belém jan./abr. 2018

    • Expanded health protection network
      Pimentel, Adelma; Gotto, Tommy Akira; Araújo, Lucivaldo; Farinha, Marciana; Vale, Kamilly

    • The world within my reach: territory and mental health on the coast of Paraná
      Muhl, Camila; Holanda, Adriano Furtado

    • Understanding anguish in Carl R. Rogers' psychotherapy: a brief study
      Neto, André Alves Ximenes; Ponte, Carlos Roger Sales da

    • The case of Flor: a Sartrean understanding of contemporary cocaine use
      Pragmácio, Ingrid Coelho Borges; Boris, Georges Daniel Janja Bloc

    • Working conditions of family health teams in Pará
      Alvarenga, Eric Campos; Oliveira, Paulo de Tarso Ribeiro de; Pinheiro, Helder Henrique Costa; Carneiro, Vânia Cristina Campelo Barroso

    • Has the psychiatric reform already given what it had to give?: Reflections from a CAPS team in Belém
      Araújo, Lucivaldo da Silva

    • Being a transvestite sex worker: a phenomenological look
      Assis, Gustavo Alves Pereira de; Soares, Ronaldo Veríssimo; Motta, Hinayana Leão

    • Considerations on Heidegger's hermeneutical phenomenology
      Seibt, Cezar Luís

    • Weaving golden threads in an occupational therapy hybridized with art
      Elmescany, Érica de Nazaré Marçal; Piani, Ivone Xavier; Pedro Paulo Freire; Lima, Wladilene de Sousa

    • The power of care in the giving theater: dialogue between theatricality and gestalt therapy
      Flores, Andréa Bentes; Bayma, Roberta Bentes Flores

    • Gestalt pedagogy as an inclusion strategy for autistic children in regular schools
      Silva, Gilmara de Araújo; Silva, Stéfane Machado

    • From individualism to individuation: the ethics of authenticity from the gestalt perspective
      Marcon, Gilberto Hoffmann

    • Historical-cultural psychology: contributions to the encounter between subjectivity and education
      Sousa, Kairon Pereira de Araújo