Psychodanceas a Therapeutic Action

Experience report during the Covid-19 Pandemic


  • Loristeffane Castro Moreira Universidade Federal do Amazonas
  • Consuelena Federal University of Amazonas
  • Sander Firmo de Souza Federal University of Amazonas



Keywords: Psychology; Dance; Coping; Pandemic;


The present experience report was constituted as an initiative that integrated actions of the Coping Committee Against COVID-19, from the Federal University of Amazonas. Its objective was to demonstrate the systematization of an online group activity, for coping the period of social withdrawal. For the feasibility of dance activities and conversation circles, applications and social networks were used, with synchronous and asynchronous moments, through video recordings with choreographies, dance lives via Instagram, and conversations circles through the Google Meet platform. UFAM students and staff participated, as well as external community, including people from other states. We use concepts from phenomenological-existential psychology.The dance experience went beyond physical exercise, minimized anxiety, worries and stress. It brought stories closer and enabled the construction of new affective bonds.

Author Biographies

Loristeffane Castro Moreira, Universidade Federal do Amazonas

Loristeffane Castro Moreira. Graduating in Psychology at the Federal University of Amazonas - UFAM. Researcher at the Scientific Initiation Program - PIBIC (2020-2021). Dance student at the Liceu de Artes e Ofício Cláudio Santoro; Trainee in the field of Phenomenological-existential Psychology at the Specialized Care Service for people living with HIV (SAE) and Service for the victim of sexual violence at the Municipal Health Department (SEMSA-AM). Currently interning as a Psychology fellow at the Dr. Nelson Antunes Inpatient Unit of the Tropical Medicine Foundation FMT / HVD-AM (2020-2021). Email:

Consuelena , Federal University of Amazonas

Leitão. PhD in Social Anthropology from the Federal University of Amazonas (UFAM). Currently an adjunct professor in the undergraduate course at the Faculty of Psychology at Ufam. Coordinates extension projects, supervised internships and research involving gender, HIV, violence, art, phenomenological-existential psychology and body movements. Email:

Sander Firmo de Souza, Federal University of Amazonas

Sander Firmo de Souza. Graduating in Psychology at the Federal University of Amazonas - UFAM. General Coordinator of the Academic Psychology Center Professor Psychologist Waldir dos Santos Costa (CAPSICO-UFAM) - Management 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. Member of the Organizing Commissions of the VIII and IX Psychology Week of the Federal University of Amazonas (SEMPSI-UFAM). Currently interning as a Psychology Scholar at the Psychosocial Service Space (EPSICO) at the State University of Amazonas - UEA. He is part of the organizing committee for joint actions between EPSICO-UEA and the Nós da Linha de Frente - UEA project. Email:



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How to Cite

Castro Moreira, L., Lopes Leitão, C. ., & Firmo de Souza, S. . (2021). Psychodanceas a Therapeutic Action: Experience report during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Revista NUFEN: Phenomenology and Interdisciplinarity, 13(2).