Race, Racism, And Existential-Phenomenological Psychotherapy

Fundamentals For Decolonization Of Clinical Attention





Atenção, Psicologia fenomenológica, Racismo, Relações étnicas e raciais, Psicologia intercultural


This article presents the contributions from the phenomenology of race and racism to the decolonization of psychotherapeutic attention in its interface with multicultural therapy and the education of young therapists. Guided by a critical phenomenology, first section seeks to demonstrate how a critical phenomenology can provide resources for an analysis of the phenomena of race and racism. The second section, in turn, analyzes the confrontation between multicultural psychotherapy and phenomenological-existential philosophy, seeking to draw the main consequences for the decolonization of psychotherapeutic attention. Finally, the third section proposes a way to strategically conduct the decolonization of attention  for training therapists through formative reflection.

Author Biography

Hernani Pereira dos Santos, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Câmpus Londrina

Professor assistente nível-2 na Pontifícia Universidade Católia do Paraná.



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How to Cite

dos Santos, H. P. (2021). Race, Racism, And Existential-Phenomenological Psychotherapy: Fundamentals For Decolonization Of Clinical Attention. Revista NUFEN: Phenomenology and Interdisciplinarity, 13(3). https://doi.org/10.26823/nufen.v13i3.22532



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