Vicarious and Secondary Trauma in Work with Violence: Scope Review



The study aimed to analyze the current empirical production on Vicarious and Secondary Trauma in professionals who provide services to people who have suffered interpersonal violence. The following set of descriptors was used in the databases: “vicarious trauma” OR “working with trauma” OR “secondary trauma” AND “violence” OR “interpersonal violence” OR “abuse” OR “maltreatment”, seeking to map the objectives , methods and results of the studies. After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, the final sample consisted of 25 articles. The Thematic Analysis found out that the studies were predominantly from the global north and the audience was mainly composed of health professionals. The results showed that the research is focused on understanding the phenomenon, with little production of assessment and intervention tools. The identification of protective and risk factors in organizations must be a priority, as well as investments in the development of effective tools for intervention.

Keywords: psychic trauma, violence, occupational health.

