Burnout of Professionals at Psychosocial Care Centers during the COVID-19 Pandemic



This study aimed to verify the levels of burnout in Brazilian professionals at psychosocial care centers (CAPS) who worked in the Covid-19 pandemic. To this end, the COVID-19 Burnout scale was translated, cross-culturally adapted, and validated into Brazilian Portuguese. We used the protocols proposed by Pasquali (1999) and applied the final version of the scale, called EB-COVID-19, to 270 professionals who worked in psychosocial care centers during the pandemic. The results indicated high levels of burnout for mental health professionals, in which the causes found were feelings of tiredness, defenselessness, imprisonment, and illness. Group analysis showed that young, female, nursing technicians/assistants who have secondary education and 1 to 5 years of service time had the highest levels of Burnout syndrome.  It is concluded that Brazilian CAPS professionals experienced physical and psychological exhaustion due to exhausting work situations during the pandemic.

Keywords: Burnout syndrome, COVID-19, scale, mental health, health professionals.





Empirical Research Reports