O Luto materno sob um olhar Fenomenológico


  • Pedro Geraldo Luciano Gomes
  • Nathália Santos Dutra Universidade Federal de São Joao del Rei




Mulher; Maternidade; Morte; Luto; Fenomenologia


This work aims to reinterpret maternal grief from a phenomenological approach. For understanding, it was necessary to discuss the construction of motherhood and the construction of the bond between mother and baby.  The ways of dealing with death and the taboos surrounding the topic of loss and mourning will be addressed, these are generally accompanied by denial or culturally constructed prejudices. The methodology was used based on the bibliographic review of literature based on studies already published on the subject. There is no intention here to present defined formulas, but to illustrate the possibilities of acceptance in the face of the helplessness faced by these women, and how grief can manifest itself in different ways in a mother's life. For phenomenology, the possibility or realization of death awakens in the entity that remains a contemplation of its finitude from the end of the other.

Author Biography

Nathália Santos Dutra, Universidade Federal de São Joao del Rei

Psicóloga e Mestre em Psicologia Social pela UFSJ e pós graduada em Gerotologia e Saúde do Idoso pela UCAM.


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How to Cite

Gomes, P. G. L., & Dutra, N. S. (2024). O Luto materno sob um olhar Fenomenológico. Revista NUFEN: Phenomenology and Interdisciplinarity, 16(01). https://doi.org/10.26823/rnufen.v16i01.25548

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