Linking Trait-Emotional Intelligence And Citizenship Performance In A High-Complexity Job: Examining Its Predictive Validity And The Mediating Effect Of Job Satisfaction



In light of recent research developments supporting the usefulness of emotional intelligence (EI) in predicting individual job performance, this study aims to contribute to enhancing the understanding of its impact on citizenship performance in the scope of a high-complexity job of software engineering. Specifically, it examines the criterion-related validity of trait-EI and its facets in respect to this key performance criterion. Furthermore, it also tests whether job satisfaction represents a route through which trait emotional intelligence (trait-EI) and its facets affect this performance dimension at this level of job complexity. Relying on a predictive design, results from a sample of 141 software engineers from a multi-national firm showed that job satisfaction constitutes a significant mediator of the relationship of trait-EI and supervisor ratings of citizenship performance. The major implications of these findings for establishing trait-EI validity and identifying the mechanisms through which it translates into enhanced citizenship performance at work are discussed.

Keywords: emotional intelligence, organizational citizenship behaviours, job attitudes, mediation.


