Incivility, Silencing, and Canceling at a University



Incivility in relationships in the workplace is a form of micro-violence that negatively affects coexistence between workers and causes several losses for institutions. This study aims to present exploratory research to understand the social phenomena of incivility and care in relationships in a public higher education institution (IFES), from the perspective of 63 participants including teachers, technical-administrative staff, and outsourced workers. To this end, a questionnaire was constructed with 17 semi-structured questions, the results of which were obtained using the IraMuTeQ software, version 0.7, alpha 2, and Bardin's content analysis. The data presented the terms silence, silencing, and cancellation as hidden facets of incivility. Regarding silencing and cancellation, no positive points were found, but regarding the concept of silence, the importance of its presence in moments of speaking and listening can be observed. In the discussion of the results, excerpts from the speeches are presented for greater understanding of these phenomena. In conclusion, we understand the need for greater debates on interpersonal relationships and their consequences in IFES.

Keywords: incivility, organizational silence, cancellation.





Empirical Research Reports