The Nature of Human Consciousness


  • Lucas Bianconi Faculdade Anhanguera



Psychology; Conscience; Subjectivity; Intuition.



From a phenomenological perspective, this paper aims to emphasize Edmund Husserl's thought about consciousness and criticize some problems of investigating the object of study in psychology. Throughout the text, the empirical research method of the natural sciences is questioned while discussing the role of physiology inside psychology. Psychological phenomena are treated from the concepts of intuition and essence. The concept of interpretation is highlighted here to delimit the intelligible faculty of intuition as the act responsible for signifying human consciousness experience. Therefore, the relationship between transcendental consciousness and the ontological experience of the empirical subject comes to demonstrate the correlation of the sensible aspect of the organism with the capacity to perceive meaning. Capacity to intuit meaning. This step clarifies the role of reflection to psychological subjective essential changes.



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How to Cite

Bianconi, L. (2022). The Nature of Human Consciousness. Revista NUFEN: Phenomenology and Interdisciplinarity, 14(1).

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