Approach Crafting: a Way to Access Work Engagement?



Work engagement is a source of competitive advantage for organizations and can be promoted by job crafting. We investigated the influence of three types of approach crafting on work engagement among Brazilian workers. The results indicated that approach crafting showed positive and moderate relationships with work engagement. Network analysis indicated that approach resources crafting (behavioral) had a direct positive influence, and approach demands crafting (behavioral) had an indirect influence on work engagement. Approach resources crafting (cognitive) presented the strongest relationship with work engagement. We concluded that the behavioral and cognitive efforts to approach the positive aspects of work and modify resources and demands influence work engagement. We suggest that managers should foster approach crafting for healthy engagement of professionals with their work.


Keywords: organizational behavior, self-organization, employee attitudes.




Author Biography

Rita Pimenta de Devotto, Faculdade de Campinas (FACAMP), Brazil

Pedagoga. MBA Executivo pelo IAE Business School da Argentina. MSc em Criatividade e Solução de Problemas pela State University of New York. Professora convidada do IAE Business School. Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação Strictu Sensu da Pontíficia Universidade Católica de Campinas.

